7 things to say when someone comes out
While October 11th might be National Coming Out Day, it’s okay if you’re not quite ready to come out. Your queerness and your worth are not dependent on you being “out”. We love you and support you, wherever you are on your journey.
We’re starting our series with a post on what to say when someone comes out to you.
Chances are the person coming out has been anxious about telling you so letting them know you support them right away, even if you’re not sure what else to say, can make a huge difference.
Whether someone comes out in person, over the phone or with an email or text, here’s a few things you can say and a couple questions you can ask to show your love and support.
1. “Thank you so much for sharing that with me.”
2. “I’m here to support you.”
3. “I love you so much and always will.”
4. “I’ll send a longer reply later but I just want you to know I love and support you.”
5. “What are some ways I can support you?”
6. “Do you want me to correct people if they use your old name or pronouns?”
7. “Is there anyone you don’t feel safe or comfortable knowing this?”