Support Our Public Libraries
We firmly stand with South Central Regional Library and their decision to keep books for all on their shelves despite very vocal people trying to remove them. Libraries are a place where all people are able to access books, internet, and knowledge, free of charge and without expectations placed upon them. They are a cornerstone of our society and are vital in the fight for equality. They can be a safe space when the rest of the world is not so safe. Libraries are SO important.
Want to help support your local library? Here are some ideas.
Send a letter of support to your local government officials and SCRL - we've got a sample you can use.
Do something kind for your local library staff. They've been dealing with a lot of harassment lately, and a kind word or note can go a long way.
If you're able to, make a donation to SCRL.
Below is a sample letter you can send. Copy the text, personalize it, and send it to your local government officials & library branch. Find the address of your branch here: South Central Regional Library Branches
Please note:
This letter MUST be edited to include your relevant personal information (name, community, etc) - we've highlighted all the stuff you need to change
The letter MUST be sent as a physical copy with a signature. If you don't have access to a printer, send us an email and we can print it & send it for you. Or you can use the printing services at your local library and hand it to them right then and there - win win! It's 25 cents/sheet - let us know if that's prohibitive and we will cover the cost.
Please use this letter as a template - the more personal you can (safely) make your letter, the greater the impact. Some things you could add to your letter include:
The specific books that were targeted help safeguard children against grooming and abuse - the more children know about their anatomy, the more they can communicate when something is wrong.
Diversity in books increases levels of empathy and understanding
Any personal anecdotes you can think of
For more information about the benefits of libraries, check out the links below:
Sample Letter
[Address of City/Municipality]
CC: South Central Regional Library [if you plan to send a copy to the library]
Dear [Mayor/Reeve] and [City/Municipality Council]
The recent controversy surrounding the book challenges in our libraries have put the South Central Regional Library Board and staff in a difficult position. I would like to thank you for supporting South Central Regional Library and our local [town name] branch. Thank you for helping them carry out their mission to the best of their ability.
Libraries are an incredibly important public service. There are many things that can “other” a person in a community, but the library is one place where that doesn’t seem to matter. Books can answer questions and give a sense of belonging and importance. Books build self-esteem and let you know you’re not alone.
Libraries enhance accessibility of so many fundamental human freedoms. As you know, in Canada, those fundamental freedoms include, among other things, both “freedom of conscience and religion,” and “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication.” How can people say they have these freedoms if they aren’t given access to books that have been deemed “unacceptable” by some?
Everyone should have the choice to read, or not read, whatever books they choose. The choice of one, however, should not dictate whether all have access. Please continue to do whatever you can to support the library - libraries can save the world, if only given the chance.
Thank you for your service to our community.