Join Our Board

Please fill out the application form below to help us get to know you.

Please note we strive to have representation from a variety of communities on our board. We have a limited number of positions on our board.

Our board usually meets once a month for 2 hours in the evening. Board meetings can get more frequent as we get closer to the event in June. We usually take summers and December off. Being a board member is a 2 year commitment.

 AP 1-200: Code of Conduct

Understanding the Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct sets clear standards of respectful behavior for the Pembina Valley Pride communities of all participants and volunteers, including in-person and online. With the Code of Conduct comes a responsibility to follow its standards by being a good example and supporting others in doing the same.

Lines between a person’s personal life and employment/volunteer role are often blurred. Participants, volunteers or employees need to keep in mind how their words and actions during or outside of Pembina Valley Pride activities may impact the organization’s reputation.


To allow Pembina Valley Pride to preserve its integrity and credibility with the public, the Rainbow communities, and within the organization. This Code applies to all staff, board members, volunteers, and participants of Pembina Valley Pride.


  1. Service

    1. When acting on behalf of the organization, or when being associated with the organization, always act with fairness, honesty, integrity and openness; respect the opinion of others and treat all with equity and dignity without regard to ancestry; Nationality or national origin; Ethnic background or origin; Religion or creed or religious belief, religious association or religious activity; Age; Sex; Gender identity; Sexual orientation; Marital or family status; Source of income; Political belief, political association or political activity; Health status; Physical disability, mental illness, psychosocial disability, or intellectual disability; Social disadvantage.

    2. Promote the mission and objectives of the organization in all dealings with the public on behalf of the organization.

    3. Provide a positive and valuable experience for those participating in events and programs of the organization.

  2. Accountability

    1. Act with honesty and integrity and in accordance with any professional standards and/or governing laws and legislation that have application to the responsibilities you perform for or on behalf of the organization.

    2. Comply with both the letter and the spirit of any training or orientation provided to you by the organization in connection with those responsibilities.

    3. Adhere to the policies and procedures of the organization and support the decisions and directions of the Board and its delegated authority.

    4. Take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Follow reporting lines to facilitate the effective resolution of problems. Ensure that you do not exceed the authority of your position within the organization.

  3. Harassment

In accordance with the Respectful Environment policy above, the following is a policy related specifically to harassment.



There are two main types of harassment. One type includes inappropriate conduct in any form about a person's: Age, race, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, marital status, family status, economic status, political belief, association or activity, disability, size, weight, physical appearance, Nationality, ancestry or place of origin. A second main type relates to what is sometimes referred to as "bullying" behavior that may involve:

  1. Repeated humiliation or intimidation that adversely affects a worker's psychological or physical well-being.

  2. A single instance so serious that it has a lasting, harmful effect on a person.

  3. Harassment may be written, verbal, physical, a gesture or display, or any combination of these. It may happen only once, but often happens repeatedly.

  4. Reasonable actions by board members to help manage, guide or direct volunteers are not harassment.

  5. This Harassment policy does not discourage or prevent anyone from exercising their legal rights.

Organization Responsibilities

The board of Pembina Valley Pride must ensure, as much as possible, that no volunteer is harassed while working on behalf of Pembina Valley Pride. Leadership will take corrective action with anyone under their direction who harasses another person. Leadership will not disclose the name of a complainant or an alleged harasser or the circumstances of the complaint to anyone except where disclosure is:

  1. Necessary to investigate the complaint

  2. A part of taking corrective action

  3. Required by law

Pembina Valley Pride board members are responsible for keeping a safe working environment, free of harassment. If you are a board member and you become aware of harassment you must do everything in your power to stop it, whether or not a complaint is made.

Courts presume that organizations and their leadership are responsible for being aware of harassment in their organization and may penalize them accordingly. Board members who ignore harassment leave themselves and their organization open to legal consequences.


If you are harassed, the first thing to do is tell the person harassing you to stop, if you are comfortable doing that. You can do this in person or in writing. If you feel unable to deal with them directly, you can speak to any Pembina Valley Pride board member.

Informal Complaints

There may be informal ways to deal with your complaint. A board member may speak to the harasser. They may also arrange for mediation to help the people involved reach an acceptable solution.

Formal Complaints

If the informal route does not succeed, or is not appropriate, the complaint will be investigated thoroughly and promptly by the board. When the investigation is complete, the board will convene a special meeting to determine if there is evidence to support the complaint and any remedies or disciplinary action to be taken.

The Chairperson of Pembina Valley Pride will inform the person who filed the complaint and the harasser of [the disposition of the complaint as well as] any remedies or disciplinary action.

Corrective/Disciplinary Action for Harassers

Staff members or volunteers that harass another person will be subject to corrective action. In most cases, the harasser will also be required to attend some form of workplace behavior training, as deemed appropriate.


The organization and its board members will not identify a complainant, an alleged harasser or any circumstances about a complaint, to anyone, except:

  1. When it is necessary in investigating a complaint.

  2. If it is part of disciplinary action.

  3. Where required by law.


Anyone who retaliates in any way against a person who has complained of harassment, given evidence in a harassment investigation or been found guilty or harassment, will be considered to have committed harassment and will be subject to corrective actions described previously.


Pembina Valley Pride commits to making sure all of its staff members and volunteers learn about harassment and the organization’s harassment policy.


The Board will monitor this policy and make adjustments whenever necessary. If you have any concerns about this policy, please bring them to the attention of the Chair of the board.